No history, regardless of our effort, could ever depict the indomitable courage, tenacity of purpose, and outstanding accomplishments of the men of this division during our campaigns in northern France and Germany. From the day we embarked in New York harbor, until the cessation of hostilities, your exploits continually contributed to the defeat of the mightiest army on earth and aided in bringing peace to all mankind. The hardships you endured last winter were severe and taxed your heart and soul, as did the terrific ordeals of combat in which you participated for 194 consecutive days, and you won acclaim and praise in many forms. Never once did you fail, no matter how difficult the task, nor was the resolution to accomplish any mission by the front line soldier and the men supporting him anything short of superb in efficiency and dogged determination. I could never express the deep admiration I bold for your faithfulness, loyalty, perseverance, and fidelity; nor could I ever tell you how proud and privileged I am to have served with you.
There is but one more battle to fight and I know you shall
not be found wanting in the completion of this mission. It
is the battle for perpetual peace and a better world in
which to live. You have a very definite task to perform and
must prosecute it with the same spirit in which you fought. As
citizens of the finest country on this planet, I hope you
shall take back with you an indelible impression of the
better things in life; a more thorough understanding of
human nature and mankind in general; and a full realization
of your duties of citizenship. They are as definite, serious,
and obligatory, as the tasks you performed in uniform.
Never forget this responsibility.
Many of our comrades will not see or read this brief
history of the 102d Infantry Division. They repose in
eternal sleep. The sacrifices they made were comparable
to yours in every way and they gave their lives for us
and our country that we may carry on where they left off.
It is to them, the personification of the spirit of
the Ozarks, that this volume is humbly dedicated.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, remember the pride and prestige
the division has established, and never lower our standards.
You have done a magnificent job and I congratulate you.
![[Signature]](pics/pg09-pic2.jpg) FRANK A.