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 Upper left,
Sgt James Soens of Chicago and Sgt Earl Thomas of Dillwyn, Virginia,
both members of the 102d Signal Company, convert German teletype machines in order
to use them in the Ozark net. Upper right, Capt James L. Dobbs from Bonham, Texas,
checks his map before taking off on a reconnaissance in his Ozark liaison plane.
Center left, 1st Lt Roy (Buck) Rogers from Island Park, Minnesota, checks his map,
too, while the rest of his 407th "Rangers" cluster around. Left T/5 Graver Swain of
Batesville, Arkansas, and S/Sgt Bill Boney of Macon, Georgia, scrape the mud off
their treadway bridge truck on the Setterich road. Above, Capt Lloyd R. Burkett
from Madison, Wisconsin, radios his observation planes over Ubach. Capt Burkett
was in charge of the air support party attached to the 102d Division in combat.
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