Since publishing the account of the Japanese infantry battalion
howitzer, type 92, Mod. 1932 (see Tactical and Technical Trends No. 34 p. 7) data
have come in from the Aberdeen Proving Ground concerning the ammunition. The more
significant points in the report follow.
a. General
This ammunition is semi-fixed, has a HE projectile with a point-detonating,
instantaneous, percussion fuze, and a brass cartridge case which has one igniter
charge with four zone charges. These charges are disks contained in what
appears to be oil-cloth. The igniter disk wrapper is light blue in color and those
of the other four zone charge disks are dark blue. The brass cartridge case
contains a screwed-in percussion primer. This primer was found to be interchangeable
in the Jap 37-mm, 70-mm and 75-mm field gun ammunition, and is possibly
used in other Japanese artillery ammunition.
b. Details
The following characteristic data were obtained by examining one round of this ammunition.
Weight of complete round
| | 9 lbs 8 oz |
Weight of projectile
| | 8 lbs 5 oz |
Weight of detonator
| | Not known |
Weight of picric acid booster
| | 1.54 oz |
Weight of TNT bursting charge
| | 1 lb 1 oz |
Weight of propellant
| | Not known |
Weight of cartridge case w/primer
| | 1 lb 3 oz |
Overall length of complete round
| | 14.36 in |
Length of projectile w/fuze
| | 11.47 in |
Length of projectile w/o fuze
| | 9.21 in |
Length of cartridge case
| | 3.94 in |
Diameter of bourrelet*
| | 2.744 in |
Diameter of copper rotating band
| | 2.803 in |
Diameter of neck of cartridge case
| | 2.806 in |
Diameter of base of cartridge case
| | 3.948 in |
Diameter of base of percussion primer
| | .628 in |
c. Color and Marking
Location |
(1) | Yellow band | |
Stenciled around body of projectile approx. 2 in, above rotating band 3/8 in wide |
(2) | Main body of projectile painted black | |
Projectile body above and below rotating band |
(3) | Other markings indecipherable | |
Stenciled in white approx. 1 inch in height on side of projectile between rotating band and yellow band |
(4) | Yellow label | |
A yellow label was pasted on cardboard disk used as a stopper for the powder charges in the cartridge case, marked in undecipherable Japanese characters. |
(5) |  | |
Stenciled on base of cartridge case were the characters shown on opposite side.** |
(6) |  | |
Stenciled on base of primer were the characters shown on opposite side; 1st line, undecipherable, 2nd line, August? 19?. |
Comment: From the brief examination given this ammunition, nothing
was found to be unusual or unique. The small amount of propellant would indicate
the weapon has a very low muzzle velocity. According to W.D. Technical Manual 30-480, the
maximum velocity is 850 f/s.
*Greatest diameter at head of shell.
**September 1940 with arsenal stamp.