The following table shows the production figures for the main variants of
German Panzerkampfwagen during WWII and pre-war rearmament (i.e., from
1935-1945). Only battle tanks are included in these figures, self-propelled
guns and other variants are not included. Panzerbefehlswagen are included when
the main armament was still mounted. For simplicity, all figures have been rounded
to the nearest 50 units. The Panzer 35(t) and Panzer 38(t) figures include
panzers confiscated from
the Czech army.
Pz Kpfw | |
Total Number Produced (approx.) |
Panzer I | | 1,550 | |
 | |
Panzer II | | 1,900 | |
Panzer 35(t) | | 650 | |
Panzer 38(t) | | 1,400 | |
Panzer III | | 5,850 | |
Panzer IV | | 8,500 | |
Panther | | 6,000 | |
Tiger I | | 1,350 | |
Tiger II | | 500 | |
| | | | |
During the war while German panzer production increased, the size and weight of
panzers were also increasing. It is interesting to compare the above production
figures with the total weight in tons of each type of panzer produced. These figures
are necessarily approximate since tanks were often up-armored during the
production of a given version.
Pz Kpfw | |
Total Tons Produced (approx.) |
Panzer I | | 9,000 | |
 | |
Panzer II | | 18,000 | |
Panzer 35(t) | | 7,000 | |
Panzer 38(t) | | 14,000 | |
Panzer III | | 126,000 | |
Panzer IV | | 206,000 | |
Panther | | 268,000 | |
Tiger I | | 77,000 | |
Tiger II | | 33,000 | |
| | | | |